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Death by Spaghettification
12 October 2020
Spaghetti in space? Not quite!

Space Scoop (Slovenian)

Here you can read the latest Space Scoop, our astronomy news service for children aged 8 and above. The idea behind Space Scoop is to change the way science is often perceived by young children, as outdated and dull subjects. By sharing exciting new astronomical discoveries with them, we inspire children to develop an interest in science and technology. Space Scoop makes a wonderful tool that can be used in the classroom to teach and discuss the latest astronomy news. 

Space Scoop is available in the following languages:

English, Dutch, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Maltese, Norwegian, Portuguese, K’iche’, Romanian, Russian, Sinhalese, Slovenian, Swahili, Tamil, Tetum, Turkish, Tz’utujil, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Welsh

Vesoljska paleontologija
3 June 2020:
Neprijazni zvezdnati pogoji
1 June 2020:
Mladi planeti nastajajo v spiralnih vozliščih
20 May 2020:
Zvezdni valček
6 May 2020:
Vse najboljše, Hubble!
24 April 2020:
Kozmični trki
20 April 2020:
Sproščanje odvečne energije
9 April 2020:
Zapletena geometrijska uganka
3 April 2020:
Srednje težka pošast z veliko skrivnostjo
30 March 2020:
Za zvezdo potrebujemo … prah!
26 March 2020:
Zvezdna preobrazba
20 March 2020:
Vrela nevihta
11 March 2020:
Sluzavke in vesolje
10 March 2020:
Ko iz skoraj ničesar nastane nekaj
5 March 2020:
Nenavadno obnašanje
19 February 2020:
Nadenite si sončna očala!
6 February 2020:
Prihodi in odhodi
27 January 2020:
Skrivalnice s črno luknjo
20 January 2020:
Galaktična onesnaženost
14 January 2020:
Nežna orjakinja
6 January 2020:
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