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Edenderry PS Visit Armagh Observatory
17 June 2013

Teacher Miss Lesley Hanna and Classroom Assistant Liz took their Learning Support Group of 9 boys to Armagh Observatory for an organised school visit on 17th June 2013.

The children ranging from P5 to P7 had already studied the solar system and stars at school and were able to relate many interesting facts to Libby McKearney, UNAWE NPM at the Observatory.

A special tour of the Observatory, including the Troughton Dome, was followed by model making and other UNAWE activities and then outside to the Human Sundial, Human Orrery and the Astropark before final questions and a chance to meet Professor Bailey, Director of the Observatory.

The boys had really enjoyed their topic on Space at school and a visit to the Observatory was the perfect ending before their much deserved summer holidays.




Observing the Observatory!
Observing the Observatory!